Notable and Quotable: C.S. Lewis

Clive Staples Lewis, 1898-1963, on the Christ who indwells the true believer. "And now we begin to see what the New Testament is always talking about. It talks about Christians "being born again"; it talks about them "putting on Christ"; about Christ "being formed in us"; about our coming to "have the mind of Christ." Put right out of …

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The New Covenant in Scripture

The New Covenant prophesied in the Old Testament Jeremiah 31:31-34  “Behold, days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah, not like the covenant which I made with their fathers on the day I took them by the hand to bring …

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Ten Good Reads for 2024

I will just put it out there. Most Christian books are written to sell books, and not to point people into a true New Covenant discipleship. Most expend their ink telling you what it is you should be doing by your own efforts to please our God, but not telling you how He wants us to relate …

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The Abiding Life

Here's a question for you.  What is the pathway to fully living the Christian life of holiness and obedience each day? Jesus Himself answered this question for us in His final discourse with His disciples on the night He was betrayed.  In fact, Jesus explained different aspects of this pathway often, yet most Christians in the …

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Notable and Quotable: Sir Fowell Buxton

Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton, English abolitionist and statesman, on prayer. Buxton was a part of an extended family of missionaries around the world that included C.T. Studd and Norman Grubb. He was a strong advocate against slavery and for the rights and self-determination of indigenous people around the world. "When I am out of heart, I follow …

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Notable and Quotable: A. B. Simpson

From the book, "Walking in the Spirit," on the topic of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in response to our absolute surrender. "But the Spirit not only reveals Christ, but He actually brings Him to occupy and abide in the heart. It is not enough to see, we must receive Him and become personally united …

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